Passados 5 meses de planejamento e vaquinha, para bancar as despesas, estamos a 2 dias do início da ativação da estação ZV1M, na Ilha de Itacuruçá (grid locator GG87BB32RM), que tem como referência IOTA (ISLANDS ON THE AIR) SA-029 e DIB (DIPLOMA DE ILHAS BRASILEIRAS) RJ-08.
Começaremos as transmissões na sexta-feira na parte da tarde, mas nosso foco é o Conteste IOTA, que inicia-se às 9:00h PT2 de sábado e termina às 9:00h PT2 de domingo, num total de 24 horas e encerraremos as transmissões no domingo à tarde. Para quem fica no continente, o conteste é uma ótima opção para caçar aquelas figurinhas difíceis do DXCC. O regulamento está no link à direita.
Operaremos em CW, SSB e PSK31 de 10m a 80m.
A Casa do Radioamador agradece a visita em nosso blog e espera fazer um QSO com você neste final de semana. Até lá !!!
After five months we are planning two days of the early activation of ZV1M station on the Island of Itacurussa (grid locator GG87BB32RM), which has as reference IOTA SA-029 and DIB (DIPLOMA OF ISLANDS BRAZIL) RJ-08.
We will start broadcasting on Friday in the afternoon, but our focus is the IOTA Contest, which begins at 9:00 PY Saturday and ends at 9:00 pm Sunday PY, totaling 24 hours and will close the transmissions on Sunday afternoon. For anyone who is on the continent, the contest is a great option for those hunting figurines difficult DXCC. The rules are the link to the left.
Will operate CW, SSB and PSK31 from 10m to 80m.
The House of the Amateur Radio of Nilopolis City very pleased to welcome to our blog and expects to make a QSO with you this weekend. Until then!
We will start broadcasting on Friday in the afternoon, but our focus is the IOTA Contest, which begins at 9:00 PY Saturday and ends at 9:00 pm Sunday PY, totaling 24 hours and will close the transmissions on Sunday afternoon. For anyone who is on the continent, the contest is a great option for those hunting figurines difficult DXCC. The rules are the link to the left.
Will operate CW, SSB and PSK31 from 10m to 80m.
The House of the Amateur Radio of Nilopolis City very pleased to welcome to our blog and expects to make a QSO with you this weekend. Until then!
Ano que vem estaremos lá novamente... Essa ilha que nos aguarde, ela não perde por esperar!